CxO・経営人材をお探しの方(エグゼクティブサーチご紹介) 採用企業の方(お問い合わせフォーム) (無料)転職希望・キャリア相談の方【1分】


/ EN



検索結果 121 /10件表示


Client Service




Summary of Role The Manager of Client Service position will lead the team of Client Service Associates who work in close partnership with the Institutional Asset Advisors to manage our institutional client relationships in Japan. The position will be required to support the team of local Client Service Associates by providing oversight and guidance, and developing their knowledge and skill set to provide exceptional client service and sales support. The Manager will be expected to promote strong partnerships with the Institutional Asset Advisors team and maintain collaborative relationships with key internal teams and business units. The Manager of Client Service will be expected to engage with local stakeholders of the institutional business, act as a point of escalation for the Client Service team in Japan and collaborate with the global Client Service management team. This position will also include the role of Head of Client Services Offices Responsibilities Essential functions: • Provide daily oversight and guidance to the Client Service Associates to help facilitate client requests, respond to internal requests and questions, and to support the Institutional Asset Advisors • Establish an environment of cooperation and teamwork amongst the institutional Client Service Associates including cross-training and coverage when team members are on leave • Promote collaboration and the development of trusted relationships between the Client Service Associates and key business partners across the firm, including but not limited to, PMG (portfolio management group), portfolio managers, client reporting, business development, operations, legal and compliance • Promote the implementation and industry best practice across the Client Service function • As the Manager of the Client Service Team in Japan, the role is part of the global client servicing effort and as such, it’s expected that the team’s servicing strategy is aligned accordingly. This includes Client Service Associates capturing client requests through CASEs • Set clear team goals and monitor the team’s performance, and report on Client Service metrics • Act as a point of escalation for the Client Service Associates • Collaborate with the global Client Service management team



Sr. Product Marketing Manager




PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES Create marketing materials/contents:  Collaborate sales team and investment team and create marketing materials. Such materials include fund sales collaterals, fund/strategy promotion materials, funds/strategy newsletters, investment education materials, video contents, web/digital contents or the similar marketing contents.  Participate as an active member of product/branding promotion campaigns/projects from product marketing perspective and contribute generating ideas, developing creative deliverables.  Check/review materials/contents which other team members created. Manage external translation/creative/design venders:  Manage process of translations with external venders and complete translation from English to Japanese. Such materials include insights papers, white papers, seminar presentations, video transcripts, digital contents and so on.  Check/review materials translated by external venders.  Use, guide and collaborate creative and design venders to lead developing competitive contents or deliverables.  Partly translate/trans-create marketing materials into Japanese by his/her own capacity. Collaborate, support and mentor other team associates as a senior team member:  Collaborate, advise and co-work other team associate to improve quality of marketing materials.








Primary responsibilities/essential functions: • Tactical focus: Works with a variety of internal and external stakeholder groups (e.g., investment group, sales, etc.) to evaluate, construct, and maintain portfolio structures, index and custom benchmark maintenance, calculate and deliver portfolio and manager level investment results, analytics and attribution. • Calculates and analyzes fund, account, manager, and composite investment results • Validates investment results and fund, account, index, composite, and benchmark information using internal and external systems • Researches, analyzes, and resolves discrepancies with internal operational teams • Prepares and validates attribution analysis • Accesses, assembles, manipulates, and interprets large data sets • Develops and provides analysis of portfolio results, including hypothetical/paper portfolio results • May design and develop forecasting tools and statistical models that directly support the investment and distribution decision-making processes • Creates a narrative out of data and supporting visualization in a way that can be communicated effectively with multiple stakeholders and is actionable • Manages low to moderate complexity departmental projects and process improvements using project management methods and technology • Manages diverse stakeholders, providing effective communication and gaining alignment • Performs additional responsibilities, as assigned • Domain Knowledge Focus: Applies knowledge of XXX System and technical skills to evaluate, construct, and maintain benchmarks and to calculate and provide investment results and analytics. • Consultative / Business Acumen Focus: Serves as a subject matter expert to formulate and provide investment results and quantitative analytics to internal and external stakeholders. Provides deep dive analysis and research upon request.








・内部管理、内部監査、検査に関する業務 ・AML、KYC、FATCA、CRS対応及び利益相反管理に関する業務 ・広告、契約の審査に関する業務 ・主務官庁等への報告・届出及び検査対応に関する業務 ・諸法令等に係る調査・分析、遵守に関する業務 ・諸法令等に基づく社内方針、宣言、及び当社規程等の策定、監修に関する業務 ・監視、調査結果に基づく各部署への勧告、指導に関する業務 ・会社全般に関する法務・コンプライアンスに関する業務




HR Business Partner




・Business Partner(人材育成や制度設計、社員同士の問題解決などを含む)業務 ・海外も一部カバーする為、英語力も必要




年金営業 Director/VP




Key Responsibilities / Duties 1. Contribute to the achievement of company and departmental revenue goals A) Create your own short-term and mid-term revenue goals based on the department's budget. B) Develop and implement sales strategies for the clients you are responsible for, based on your own revenue targets. 2. Mandate hunting from large Japanese pension clients A) Know your customers: organizational structure, dynamics within the organization, financial situation, financial goals B) Development of new clients and strengthen relationships with existing clients C) Contribute to building relationships with senior management so that Invesco can be a partner at the company level. 3. Leverage Invesco's resources to provide solutions to achieve clients' financial goals A) Develop a solid understanding of your clients' financial goals. B) Solid understanding of Invesco's investment products. C) Collect and analyze information on competitors' products and services. D) Collaborate with other departments to provide solutions to achieve clients' financial goals 4. Think first about contributing to the team as a team player in order to achieve not only individual goals but also the goals of the department.








【特徴】 ■企業理念は創業時から変わらず、「企業を芯から元気にする」。コンサルティングではなく、実践的な経営プロフェッショナルとして、「経営」「投資」「DX」の3つの側面からお客様の企業価値向上にコミットし、多くの実績を出しており、近年業績も急拡大中。 ■経営支援は、企業オーナー(創業オーナー、買収元企業、投資ファンド等)や自社の事業投資先企業が中心。投資検討フェーズから並走し、投資検討・実行、企業価値向上、エグジットの一連の支援。経営支援先・投資先企業に常駐し、早さ/力強さを持った泥臭いハンズオンでのバリューアップに最大の強み(=実務を知り尽くしているから「本当の目利き」もできる)。 【投資部門のユニークさ】 ■経営支援のノウハウを活かし、投資を強化しており、これまで50件以上の投資を実行。テクノロジースタートアップへのマイノリティ投資から、PEファンドとの共同投資、自社事業としての企業投資まで幅広く手掛けています。 ■自社に多くのノウハウを持つ、経営支援チームを持つので、投資先のバリューアップメソッドが経営支援チームの実績を含めて社内に多数存在します。また、投資先の経営そのものを担うこともある為、深く、事業経営に関与することが可能です。 ■投資ファンドとの違い:投資ファンドと同様、投資検討・実行、バリューアップ、エグジットの一連の業務を行いますが、投資実行後の企業価値向上を自ら深く実行に入り込むことが違い。投資ファンド内のバリューアップチームとは似た側面もありますが、モニタリングだけではなく、自ら事業執行者として、実際に現場に入り込む点や、DXや広告制作機能まで自社で有するため、実行領域の範囲が格段に広いことが大きな違い。 投資ファンド等との共同投資やエージェントからの紹介も多いですが、自社が事業経営を行なっていることや、経営支援機能を行なっていることから、直接先方持ち込み案件が多いことはユニークな点です。もちろん、リヴァンプ起点で提案・組成する投資案件もあります。 ■今後について:PEファンドとの共同投資を継続しつつ、自社で組成するマジョリティ投資案件の増加を図っていきます。将来的にPEファンド組成を計画しており、その新規の立ち上げから関わって頂けます。 ご希望されれば、投資先企業のCxO就任や、M&A執行支援等の可能性もございます。また先端技術を持ったスタートアップ投資も行っており、PEとVCの両方の経験を培うことが可能です。 ■潤沢な自己資金:自己資金も多く、年間で相応額の投資資金を持っています。また大手コンサルティングファームと統合することから、更に多くの案件獲得の機会や、資金調達も可能になりました。 ※なお、当社ブランドでの投資、経営支援を引き続き行います。 【役割期待・業務内容】 ■今まで投資に関しては取締役CFOが主導しつつ、投資銀行やVC出身の経営支援チームのメンバー数名が兼務で業務を行なっていました。 ■上記の通り、投資業務が拡大してきており、CFO直下で投資専任担当を増員するための採用となります。 ■投資の全領域業務=ソーシング、投資ファンド等からの持込案件の投資検討、実行(財務モデリング、ストラクチャリング、契約交渉)、バリューアップ、エグジットなど投資に関する一連の全業務を一気通貫してご担当頂けます。 ■まずはプレイングマネージャーとしてご活躍いただくことを想定しています。もちろん、将来投資専門チームの規模が大きくなれば、マネジメントの役割も期待しています。




商品戦略&開発スペシャリスト、APAC, VP-Japan Team Head




Primary Objectives: ⚫ Support short to long-term product strategic plans ⚫ Manage and develop local Product Strategy & Development team ⚫ Monitor industry and regulatory trends, anticipate business impacts/identify opportunities ⚫ Support development of new products for Japanese clients, across asset classes, wrappers, and channels ⚫ Execute product development initiatives on local ITM platform for retail and Institutional channels, support execution activities for Japan client sponsored launches in other domiciles ⚫ Review profitability, adequacy and strategic fit of existing and future products ⚫ Keep local teams appraised of progress on PS&D initiatives ⚫ Support/maintain reports and analysis showing industry trends and products positioning Principal Responsibilities: ⚫ Own, maintain, syndicate mid to long term product strategy for Japan ⚫ Lead execution of product launches, liquidations and changes/restructuring ⚫ Communicate with key stakeholders re various initiatives’ progress ⚫ Capture various product ideas and maintaining PS&D pipeline database ⚫ Support and manage local PS&D team ⚫ Build and maintain data/reports to support decisions for PS&D Main Stakeholders: ⚫ Senior Management of Japan (daily/weekly) ⚫ Client teams (daily) ⚫ Investment team: product specialists, portfolio managers, Heads (daily/weekly) ⚫ Legal for product launch and reengineering (daily) ⚫ Control Functions: Risk Management, Compliance and Audit (weekly) ⚫ Finance Teams (weekly) ⚫ Operations and Fund Administration (daily) ⚫ Local Regulators (as needed) ⚫ Clients and Consultants (as needed) ⚫ Auditors (As needed) ⚫ Regional/Global PS&D team stakeholders (daily)








Responsibilities: ⚫ To drive business development and relationship management primarily for financial institutions ⚫ Must be a self-starter and a good communicator who can co-work with relevant people and teams, such as investment, operations, legal and compliance teams both domestic and international. ⚫ The successful candidate will have a deep understanding of clients and prospective clients and their needs. He/she should be able to recommend appropriate investment products and/or solutions.




Fixed Income Product Manager




Fixed Income Product manager Fixed Income product manager, in the Global Business Development Organization unit, works closely with our fixed income investment teams to support regional sales teams. The role is expected to contribute to client growth and retention. The role is also expected to co-work with business colleagues across the firm to support our clients’ investment needs. Job Description ⚫ The role is responsible for serving as fixed income product specialist, by assessing business opportunities and leading business planning, developing new products and investment solutions. The role act as a product expert and portfolio representative for business colleagues, clients and consultants. ⚫ The role is expected to differentiate Fixed Income products/portfolios relative to competitors by developing product line-up for both institutional client and for retail distribution. ⚫ The role is responsible for communication strategy by developing product presentation, compiling RFIs and RFPs and preparing strategy review decks of client products/portfolios. ⚫ The business covers both retail distributors and institutional clients, as assigned as a part of Fixed Income Business Development team. ⚫ The role includes portfolio monitoring of fixed income positions, and arranging instructions of FX hedge, MF Minasu and FoF for Japan domiciled investment trusts.



