CxO・経営人材をお探しの方(エグゼクティブサーチご紹介) 採用企業の方(お問い合わせフォーム) (無料)転職希望・キャリア相談の方【1分】


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検索結果 79 /10件表示





期待される職務ミッション:  • 当社のプリンシパルは、成熟した経験豊富なプロフェッショナルとして、大規模で複雑なプロジェクトをクライアントの期待値を越え、計画し、管理し、提供することが求められます。また、特定の領域・トピックに関する熟練した専門家として業界で認められており、事業領域または、1つ以上の重要なクライアントパートナーとしての責任を持ちます。  • 加えて、当社のビジネスの少なくとも1つの重要な分野の専門リーダーとして、新しいコンサルティング手法を開発および適用し、その品質および適切さを担保します。  具体的役割:  •プリンシパルの具体的業務役割は主に以下の通りです。   ・大規模もしくは複雑なプロジェクト全体に関するワーク設計および管理   ・特定の領域・トピックに関する専門知見の蓄積、グローバル連携および共有   ・コンサルティング手法・知的財産に関する開発と適用   ・特定のクライアントに対するプライマリー・カウンセラーとしての関係性維持・強化   ・専門知見の対外的な発信   ・オフィス・マネジメントへの主力的貢献  •クライアント・ワークにおける熟達したプロフェッショナルであるとともに、当社の運営をより良いものに改善していくことに関する貢献も期待されます。 







具体的役割: マネージャーの具体的業務役割は主に以下の通りです。 •プロジェクト全体に関するワーク設計および管理 •戦略示唆の統合および一貫した戦略ストーリーとしての提言実施 •クライアンミーティングでのプレゼンテーション •クライアント・マネジメント層への適宜コミュニケーション •配下メンバーへの指示・指導・労務負荷コントロール •継続クライアントの満足度維持と機会に応じ後続プロジェクトの提案 •クライアント・プロジェクトに加え、プロジェクト提案、各種オフィス・マネジメント活動への参画などの貢献も期待されます。








Your Impact: The primary responsibilities are to foster/strengthen existing client relationships and develop new business for financial institutions. You translate client objectives and constraints into portfolio guidelines, monitors account activity for consistency with guidelines, educates clients about a broad set of products to promote cross sell. •Provide day to day client service to existing Financial Institutional clients •Introducing our capabilities including our Fixed Income, Jennison, PAA to company’s clients and prospect to search cross selling/new business opportunities •Closely co-work with colleague in other departments in Japan and oversea and coordinate smooth communication




Head of Client Reporting




 Team Leadership: Supervise a team of 5 institutional reporting staff and 2 ITM reporting staff, ensuring effective team management and maintenance.  Process Oversight: Monitor and continuously review the report production process, including offshored and outsourced processes.  Project Involvement: Lead and participate in client reporting projects at local, regional, and global levels.  Issue Resolution: Address and resolve issues related to the team, staff, and reports, and report to the management team.  Capability Assessment: Regularly evaluate the team's capability and capacity to meet both strategic and business-as-usual needs.  Stakeholder Communication: Maintain effective communication with local stakeholders (Sales, Investment, Products, IT) and overseas client reporting and IT teams.  Strategic Planning: Develop strategies to establish a best-in-class reporting team and upgrade the reporting platform.




Legal & Compliance Officer, AVP/VP




1. Marketing material and documents reviews 2. Registration / reporting to the financial regulators and associations (JITA, JIAA, JSDA and Type II Association). 3. Review/create/update internal rules and policies. 4. Communicate with overseas colleagues (Legal & Compliance as well as other divisions such as business and investment team). 5. Review contracts (ITM fund trust deeds, IMAs, general contracts) 6. Review investment guidelines 7. Provide employees with compliance training and guidance on regulatory and policy requirements. 8. Handle asset management general compliance matters 9. Handle incidents and risk management related matters




Head of Compliance




• Liaise with regulators in Japan, such as the Financial Services Agency of Japan (JFSA), to ensure compliance with statutory rules & regulations. • Provide the Regional Head of Compliance, Asia Pacific with support, including the identification of rules, risks and business issues, through periodic compliance governance reports, as well as regular and ad hoc meetings. • Provide business partners in Japan, and, as required, Korea, with support and advice on compliance related issues, business growth/change initiatives and the execution of firm-wide business transformational initiatives. • Provide compliance reviews and challenges on the business operations, develop and maintain compliance monitoring programs to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and policies. • Timely escalate any potential material breach/compliance issue upon identification to Regional Head of Compliance, Asia Pacific and senior management. • Provide timely update and/or impact analysis to the Regional Head of Compliance, Asia Pacific, senior management and/or corresponding teams on the latest status and/or development of the regulatory changes. • Member of Japan local risk management committee and other local corporate governance committees which require input / advice from Compliance. • Oversee the Regulatory Reports including Substantial Shareholders Reports and Short Position Reports. • Interface with regulatory authorities and manages responses to regulatory requests, inquiries and onsite examinations. • Timely communicate any key information and issues to relevant team members in Japan to assess any local regulatory implications. Supervise and provide guidance support to the Compliance team in Japan. Ensures team members are fully trained and adequate compliance oversight and resources as the business needs evolve over time. • Develop team learning agility and strengthen team collaboration. • Work with the Global and Regional Compliance teams, undertake special regional/functional projects. • Identify and implement continuous improvement opportunities within Compliance that create operational leverage, including through better use of technology, data and analytics. • Support the implementation of global enterprise risk management framework, including risk and control assessment, incident management and reporting to relevant governance bodies. • Liaise with Group Internal Audit and APAC Compliance Monitoring to carry out audit and compliance reviews. • Carry out other duties / ad-hoc projects as instructed by the Regional Head of Compliance, Asia Pacific




Aladdin Business BD, VP




• Understand a prospect’s business status, strategy, organization structure and business needs in order to identify the prospective clients for Aladdin and develop narrative to deliver Aladdin’s value proposition • Establish relationships with prospect organizations and manage consultative sales processes • Deliver sales presentations, understand prospective client requirements and carefully qualify opportunities • Interact with a variety of professionals including Portfolio Managers, Traders, Risk Managers, Operation experts, IT specialists and Senior Executives • Organize resources across the firm to deliver effective responses and facilitate detailed working sessions with prospects • Continually monitor and report on market intelligence and competitive landscape to evolve Aladdin’s narrative and development strategy • Contribute input into Aladdin product development to meet the needs of the marketplace



Senior Legal Counsel




1. Toshin (ITM) related Deal with all legal aspects in relation to the establishment and maintenance of Japanese investment trust fund (toshin) range including: • draft, review and negotiate fund related agreements and documents such as distribution agreements, trust deeds and ancillary documents (such as operational agreements with the trustee); • review the securities registration statements and fund prospectuses drafted by Senior Manager (Legal Analyst); • work closely with colleagues in the product, the sales and the operation teams to identify legal, commercial and operational issues and work collaboratively to reach resolution; • deal with operational matters as they arise from time to time (eg NAV errors); and • deal with request from clients and other client related matters. Review presented business issues, conduct legal research and investigations, and craft legal solutions, balancing internal and external stakeholder interests with the risks of adverse legal actions, revenue loss, or reputational damage to the entities. Issues are typically complex or without much precedence and require creative solutions. 2. Separate Account IMA related Draft, review and negotiate investment management agreements (“IMAs”) for Japanese separate trust (ichinin) structures, foreign third-party fund structures (such as Cayman funds) and sub-advisory business. This includes the drafting of the main part of the IMAs, the investment guidelines (as required) and the fee schedules, as well as review of ancillary documents such as operational agreements with the trustee. Work closely with the onboarding team, the sales team and other business units as well as the trustees and clients to identify issues and negotiate resolution. Review presented business issues, conduct legal research and investigations, and craft legal solutions, balancing internal and external stakeholder interests with the risks of adverse legal actions, revenue loss, or reputational damage to the entities. Issues are typically complex or without much precedence and require creative solutions. 3. Regulatory Provide regulatory advice in particular in relation to the Financial Instruments Exchange Act. In doing so, review presented business issues, conduct legal research and investigations, and craft legal solutions, balancing internal and external stakeholder interests with the risks of adverse legal actions, revenue loss, or reputational damage to the entities. Issues are typically complex or without much precedence and require creative solutions. Monitor regulatory developments that impact the firm and provide interpretation and guidance on the impacts of such changes on the firm. Work closely with compliance to ensure that the business is made aware of such developments and to provide training and consultation as required. Take part in internal projects for implementation of the new laws and regulation. 4. Vendor contracts Work on other general commercial work such as negotiations of vendor contracts especially when Japanese law and/or language skills are required. 5. Conduct other miscellaneous legal tasks such as the following: (a) Providing legal support and advice to various project initiatives to support the business as and when they arise. (b) Review trading agreements including Trading Authorities and ISDA Agreements by working closely with the Legal Capital Markets Team. (c) Review transactional documentation required to invest in IPOs and private placements where these investments are time sensitive by working closely with the Legal Capital Markets Team. (d) Provide corporate secretarial support to the company by working closely with the Corporate Governance team.








KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:  Gather Assets from the clients to grow the firm’s asset  Maintain the current business  Build further client relationships  Continuous deep and strong clients’ coverage  Deliver wholesaler activities for distributors  Deliver the firm’s resources to the clients effectively  Understand the Clients’ needs and meet the clients’ expectation  Contribute to the stronger and solid team building  Contribute to the junior people’s educations




【商社・食品業界 インダストリーヘッド候補】ビジネスコンサルタント*立ち上げ中核メンバー




●募集背景 弊社は、シンプレクス・グループに所属するコンサルティング・ファームであり、グループ会社の有する技術的優位性(絶対的なコミットメントの下での一気通貫のシステム/ソフトウェア開発)を活用し、顧客のトランスフォーメーションを実現させるための案件を手掛けております。 2021年4月に事業開始ながら、既に50名を超えるコンサルタントが所属しており(2021年11月1日時点)、順調に顧客基盤と業績を拡大しております。現在は、金融及びITの専門性を有するメンバーが多数在籍しておりますが、グループ会社の有する技術力を活かしたコンサルティング・サービスは、非金融業界でも顧客需要が大きいと考え、非金融業界での経験の豊富なシニアメンバー(インダストリー立ち上げ責任者)を募集しております。 特に、商社・食品業界は、社会課題や消費者選好の移り変わりの速さから、顧客はトランスフォーメーションの必要性を強く認識しており、大きなコンサルティング機会が存在すると考えております。グループ会社であるシンプレクス株式会社のブロックチェーン・エンジニアやUI/UXデザイナー、データサイエンティスト等と協業することで、他ファームでは経験することが難しいユニークなアプローチを提案・提供することができます。また、中下流領域に強みを要するグループ会社のコンサルティング・ファームという文脈で、顧客から上流領域のご相談を受ける機会が豊富です。 グループ会社及び現経営陣の強大なサポートの下で、ご自身でチームを立ち上げ、顧客基盤を築き、プラクティスを確立する意思と能力のある方を募集しています。  ●業務内容 ・商社・食品インダストリーチームの立ち上げ ・商社・食品業界の新規アカウント開拓、提案活動 ・商社・食品業界のクライアントに対するプロジェクトのデリバリー(デジタル戦略の策定、ブロックチェーン等のテクノロジーを活用した新規事業立案、ITコンサルティング等) ・商社・食品のリーダーとしてメンバーの採用や育成やナレッジの共有 ・外部の講演や雑誌の寄稿等の情報発信 ※業務内容:(雇入れ直後)システムの開発及びコンサルティング、管理部門業務、営業業務 (変更の範囲)会社の定める業務 ※雇い入れ直後の業務内容は求人によって異なります。



